Mass effect miranda ass

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The modder was quoted at the time saying, In 2018 modder Scottina123 uploaded a mod to NexusMods, titled No More Butt Shots, which removed the close-up shots of Miranda's behind. If you're having trouble with the mod and need some tips and tricks: read this easy guide for modding Mass Effect. And voila, you've put the ass back in Mass Effect. Once you've decided on your preferred backside experience head over to NexuxMods and download the corresponding mod for either Mass Effect 2 or Mass Effect 3. Second, you'll need a Mass Effect mod manager. And one known modder has done just that.įirst, you'll need a copy of either Mass Effect 2 or 3, whichever game you'd like to mod. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.